
26 May 2011


A woman riding in a horse and carriage was turned away from a McDonald’s drive-thru after they were deemed a health and safety hazard.
Debbie Murden was refused service at the hatch of the fast food restaurant in Alfreton, Derbyshire, after staff said it was too dangerous to serve her when she was in the carriage.
Woman refused from Mc Donalds in Horse Cart
So 42-year-old Ms Murden steered her transport – pulled by a Welsh Cob stallion called Dago – over the road to KFC where staff were happy to take her order.
Ms Murden said she was surprised by the refusal, as she rides her horse and carriage for miles from her home in Pinxton, Derbyshire, often stopping off at pubs and restaurants along the way. She said:
‘My horse travels on dual carriageways and is never affected – there is no reason why it would be dangerous. I went into the restaurant to buy a meal for me and my boyfriend and some carrot sticks for my horse.It was a surprise to me as I’ve never been refused before. We often stop off at pubs and leave the stallion in the car park, it’s usually no bother whatsoever, and is mostly a good talking point.’
Ms Murden said she was puzzled by the refusal to serve her as she had used the same drive-thru two weeks ago with no problem to buy a meal for her and her horse.
She also points out there are no signs at the restaurant stating customers in horse-drawn carriages cannot use the drive-thru service. Ms Murden has sent a complaint to McDonald’s about being turned away, but the fast-food restaurant has yet to reply. She added:
‘If they say sorry and admit it’s their fault then I will go there again but from now on I’ll be using KFC.’
A McDonald’s spokesman said:
‘We’re sorry to have disappointed Ms Debbie Murden and for any confusion caused. The health and safety of our customers is our top priority and for this reason we are unable to serve customers in a horse-drawn carriage ‘We will ensure this policy is reiterated to our employees so any inconsistency is avoided.’
A KFC spokesman said:
‘We were happy to serve Ms Murden and look forward to seeing her again soon.’

What are your thoughts on the matter – Are McDonalds right?

14 May 2011

Me and the HorSeS

First Place!!

I love horses more than anything on earth! I am a lover of horses since childhood! I dohorse riding 5 years and wanted to let you know a little about me!
jumping 0.80 m

Hípica Fazenda Boa Vista
I too love what I do and I spend a lot! I evidence of São Paulo Federation (FPH) -( and hope some day be able to take courses outside of Brazil riding! It is my dream! Thank you all for your support!


Its hardly a secret that rabbits like to hop. But now European rabbit enthusiasts have harnessed their bunnies’ natural talents to create a new spectator sport… rabbit showjumping.
Invented in Sweden in the early Eighties, Kaninhop involves bunnies bouncing their way around courses consisting of several small jumps of varying height and length.
Snoopy, a black-and-white bunny from the German city of Jena, is the star of the local Kaninhop club – and he makes spends his days leaping over all manner of barricades, jumps and rails.
‘Snoopy can jump 60 centimeters (about 2 feet) high,’ proud Claudia Fehlen, the 23-year-old founder of the Jena bunny hopping club, told Der Spiegel. And he has done well in tournaments. He came in second once, and third another time.
Over the past few decades to sport has spread far from its Scandinavian homeland and clubs have now sprung up in several other European countries, the U.S., Canada and even Japan.
Rules vary from country to country, but generally the more jumps a rabbit clears the higher its score. There is also sometimes a time element to competitions.
As well as the dressage-style courses, there are also long-jump and high-jump challenges. The world height record is 99.5cm while the best distance is fully three metres, according to Swedish fan site
Miss Fehlen discovered the sport on the internet about five years ago. She practiced with her pet rabbits in her back garden before starting the Jena club in 2009.
Now there are 13 members who gather once a week in the eastern German city to train their animals.
Animal rights activists are alarmed by the past-time. Sweetrabbits, a private animal rights initiative in Germany, has criticised the use of leashes in Kaninhop competitions.
The group has even accused trainers of using the tethers to pull uncooperative rabbits over the obstacles.
But Miss Fehlen points out important practical reasons for keeping competing rabbits leashed: ‘We use them in tournaments for safety,’ she said.
‘Just think of what would happen if a male were to break free. We want to avoid uncontrolled reproduction. It has happened before.’
Article originally posted on – Read more:

8 May 2011


Seven people have been hurt, including a two-year-old child, after a horse unseated its rider, jumped over an 8ft-high(2,40m) fence and leapt into the crowd in Australia.
The accident happened during a race known as the Grand Annual Steeple in the city of Warrnambool.
The horse, Banna Strand, leapt over a high brush fence at the side of the jump and into the crowd of around 50 people who were watching the event from behind the barriers.
Close-up of the incident
The riderless horse jumping into the crowd. Photo: Ian King

It landed among spectators – who had not seen the horse coming – before it kept running, chased by police.
“Everyone just screamed and then started ringing ambulances,” local photographer Angela Milne revealed.
“It was really hard for the ambulances to get there because the race was still going.”


A 13-year-old girl has died in hospital after an accident involving her horse in south Cumbria.
She was tending the animal in a field in Garsdale on Friday, when it is thought the animal became frightened and stood on her chest, police said.
The Air Ambulance flew her to the Royal Lancaster Infirmary but she died later that day in the operating theatre. Cumbria police have investigated the matter and have said there were no suspicious circumstances.
A spokesperson for the police said the girl suffered severe chest injuries. The matter is to be passed to the Coroner.
Our thoughts go out to all her friends & family