
26 Oct 2010

Credit crunch affects horse rescue

Essex Horse and Pony Protection Society donations are falling sharply due to the ill-effects of the Credit Crunch. The economic downturn is putting many animals at risk, according to a south Essex horse sanctuary. In recent months donations have fallen, raising very real fears for the charity’s future.

Essex Horse & Pony Protection Society

gif de cavalo“The financial situation in the country is bad, but it’s not that bad. We don’t get any money from the Government, we rely solely on donations. We look after hundreds of horses and ponies and they are big animals, which are expensive to feed and care for,” said sanctuary manager Sue Allery.
As well as money, the sanctuary needs volunteers, but only if they are over 18 and have experience of working with horses.
If you can help in any way please call the Essex Horse and Pony Sanctuary on 01268 a584603

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