
12 Nov 2010

Baguales, Baguio Light Horse, Baguio Pony ,Bahr-El-Ghazal, Baikal Horse, Baise, Baixadeiro Horse , Bajau Pony and Bakhtiari Horse


Baguales Horse


The Baguales is a feral horse of the Pampas region of Argentina. This is a tough, robust horse that is able to withstand highly variable climatic conditions.


This breed originated in the 16th Century when Spanish stock was introduced to Argentina by conquistadors. Some animals escaped or were released to form feral herds that roamed the Pampas of the Rio de la Plata near Buenos Aires.
The blood of this breed, along with that of horses from Brazil, Uruguay & Chile contributed to the blood of the Argentine Criollo.
Early in the 19th century the British introduced Thoroughbreds to Argentina and later the French brought Percherons. The introduction of their blood to the local animals, diluting the highly Spanish bloodlines.
In 1917, the Argentines took measures to preserve their Criollo by selecting 200 choice mares and keeping them exclusively for breeding. The breeds name was changed to Argentine Criollo (even though the Brazilian and Uruguayan Criollos are the same type and ancestry).

Baguio Light Horse

Baguio Light Horse


Similar to the Baguio Pony the light horse of the same name derives from the horse stock brought into the Philippines by Chinese, Brazilian, and South American dealers and traders, who then abandoned their animals.
Baguio Light Horse


The various breeds that were the basis of the Baguio Light Horse and ponies made for a hardy and rather lovely small horse, but because of the harsh weather and heat, they were also tough and resistent. The larger Baguio Light Horse is actually used for tourist teens and adults, the smaller ponies for children. They are decorated & their manes are dyed with brilliant colors to attract the tourists.
Tourism is the primary source of income for the ‘pony boys’ who care for and maintain the rides, and the horses are their main commodities.


Average height 13.2 – 13.7 hands


Head is rough
Neck is short
Shoulder is beveled
Medium length back
Bushy mane & long tail
Hooves are hard

Traditional Colors

All colors except appaloosa


Kind and forgiving
Baguio Light Horse


Trail horse
Riding horse

Baguio Pony

Baguio Pony


The ancestors of the Baguio Pony came with Chinese, Brazilian and South American marketeers and dealers who came into the Philippines to trade, then left their animals behind.
Baguio Pony


Because of the extreme climate, a small and extremely robust pony developed alongside the similar Baguio Light Horse. In the early 18th century the country was over-run with horses and cattle, but later on the race began to degenerate. Spanish and Arabian horses were used to increase and improve the small herds, virtually saving them. Due to lack of serious breeding programs their bloodlines have become diluted with various breeds of the area.
Today these tough little ponies have been reduced to an area around Wright Park in the central Baguio city where they are used for tourist attractions and pony rides. They are handled by locals, called “pony boys” who make their living caring for the animals and helping children and their parents with pony rides and trail rides. The pony boys also have festivals at different times of the year, where they compete with each other by racing through the city.


Average height 13.2 hands
The ponies are extremely hardy and strong

Traditional Colors

All colors


Kind & willing
Baguio Pony


Trail ponies
Riding pony




The Bahr-El-Ghazal is a domestic variety of the Dongala breed located in Chad in the area of Kreda and Ganaston.


Slightly taller than the Dongala, the Bahr-El-Ghazal is a light horse with a reputation for poor quality. Lack of good management and poor local conditions have both contributed to the lesser quality of the animals.
There are estimated to be around 10,000 of this breed recorded today.


Face has convex profile
Neck is short & well connected
Back is long
Chest is flat & high
Legs are thin

Traditional Colors


Riding horse

Baikal Horse

Baikal Horse


The Baikal is a small horse in the region of Lake Baikal and the border with Mongolia. The Baikal is not a breed in itself, but an every-day horse for all needs of the region and has been a part of the area as long as people can remember.
Baikal Horse


They are used for daily chores and transport, but also for tourism where a tourist can rent the horse along with a house. It is a tough small horse that is capable of handling rough trails and testy weather.


The Baikal is based on the Mongolian horse with many of its features.


Head is medium in size with a straight profile
Neck is short and widely connected at the shoulder
Back is short & sturdy
Tail is low-set
Legs are thin and long with strong joints
Feet are hard & compact


Quiet and trustworthy
Baikal Horse


Trail horse
Riding horse



The horse


The Baise breed (also called Guangxi) is raised in pasture at high altitude and allowed to roam freely when not working.


Native to the Guangxi region of China, where the climate is mild and horse breeding has long been common practice. Bronze statues from 206 to 25 B.C. have been found that look almost exactly like this animal in confirmation.
The Baise horses have always been an important part of the local residents and were an integral part of traditional marriage celebrations.


Average height 11 – 11.2 hands
Fast and strong


Head is heavy with straight profile and wide jaw
Neck is medium length
Shoulder is straight
Legs are strong and well-developed
Hooves are strong

Traditional Colors

black | chestnut | grey | bay


Willing and able


Riding horse
Pack horse
Cart horse
Farm animal

Baixadeiro Horse

Baixadeiro Horse
Image from Eduardo Amorim


The Baixadeiro Horse is a small horse inhabiting the heavy marshlands of Brazil & is presently arecipiant of a conservation program. It is a race that is near extinction.


The Baixadeiro Horse of the Lower Maranhense is an extremely old breed that looks somewhat like the Pantaneiro Horse of the area but they are much smaller. They are dismally under-developed perhaps because they inhabit lands that are virtually wetlands most of the year.
Today formal breeding programs have been set up to continue the lines as these animals have been used in the area for centuries.


Average height 14 hands
Hardy and tough


Hooves strong enough to stand being underwater constantly during flood seasons

Traditional Colors

black | chestnut | grey | bay | buckskin



Baixadeiro Horse

Baixadeiro Horse


The Baixadeiro Horse is a small horse inhabiting the heavy marshlands of Brazil & is presently arecipiant of a conservation program. It is a race that is near extinction.


The Baixadeiro Horse of the Lower Maranhense is an extremely old breed that looks somewhat like the Pantaneiro Horse of the area but they are much smaller. They are dismally under-developed perhaps because they inhabit lands that are virtually wetlands most of the year.
Today formal breeding programs have been set up to continue the lines as these animals have been used in the area for centuries.


Average height 14 hands
Hardy and tough


Hooves strong enough to stand being underwater constantly during flood seasons

Traditional Colors

black | chestnut | grey | bay | buckskin



Baixadeiro Horse


Light agriculture
Ceremonies & festivals


Bajau Pony

Pony Ride


The Bajau breed found in a humid, tropical area and because of this they are reported to be resistant to parasitic infections.


The breed comes from Eastern Malaysia and is used locally for work, herding, transportation as well as festivals & tourist attractions. The fact that this pony is highly adaptable to the extreme heat and tropical climate, makes it a valued asset to the local people.


Average height 12 hands
Sturdy and tough


Head is large for their size with a straight profile
Ears are also large for their size
Neck is narrow, short & straight
Chest is narrow
Body is slender

Traditional Colors

Bay sometimes with white markings


Willing and able


Work pony

Bakhtiari Horse


The Bakhtiari is a variant of the Plateau Persian horse of Iran, they share a basic Oriental conformation and heritage. They are mainly bred by the Bakhtiari tribesmen in Khuzestan Province in the south of Iran.


Their basis is the usual strains of Hamdani, Khuhilan, Nesman, and other Arabian strains, but those strains have become so mixed that the breed cannot be compared to a purebred Arab. (In Iran, an Arab is called ‘Asil‘ which means pure).
The Bakhtiari and other Iranian Arab types are lovely animals, but in no way compare to the Arabians. They are taller, somewhat ‘lankier’, with facial features not as dished. All the same, they are perfectly adapted to the conditions of the area they inhabit, and they are valued by their owners.


Average height 14.3 hands
Built for speed and stamana




Riding horse

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