
24 Nov 2010

The BHS take action keeping riders safe on the road

The British Horse Society’s new campaign, entitled “Help us fight for change” means that equestrian incident reporting is now easier than ever.

“Unfortunately, every year a high number of equestrian incidents go unrecorded. If no-one knows about them, nothing can be done.
Without hard evidence and hard statistics it is impossible to lobby those in power to make the changes that are required to ensure riding is safer for all. Sharing your experience could make a huge difference – together we can FIGHT FOR CHANGE.” – The BHS

A screen shot of the incidents reported so far in Essex, taken from on 23/11/10
A screen shot of the incidents reported so far in Essex, taken from on 23/11/10

By launching this dedicated horse accidents website, designed to provide statistics and data, which can in turn be used to lobby the Government for better riding conditions.

The website,, is to provide anyone involved in an equine-related incident with an easily accessible method of reporting it. Currently, an equestrian-related road incident may go unrecorded unless a human is injured and taken to hospital for treatment from the scene of the accident, thus statistics are poor.
Currently, using the site you can record road traffic incidents concerning ridden and driven horses, incidents involving low flying aircraft, road surface dressings, dangerous dogs, fireworks, wind turbines, and issues with gates. There is provision to add other concerns as they are identified.
If you or your friends have fallen victim to any such incidents, then the BHS need your help; sharing your experiences could make a huge difference to all riders. We want to hear about near misses too. Accurate statistics are essential in order to enable us to lobby government for better conditions for equestrians – we can only campaign when we have sufficient information to carry forward concerns.
Sheila Hardy, BHS Senior Executive (Safety), explains: “Without hard evidence and hard statistics it is impossible to lobby those in power to make the changes that are required to ensure riding is safer for all – we need the public to help us before we can help them.”

If you have had an incident or accident on the road ensure you report it on their site, and take a look at the map to see incidents near you.

Visit to find out more about this new campaign, or to log incidents.

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