
7 Nov 2010

Identification marks

The white marks or signs on the face, muzzle and legs are means of identification and are recorded in the documentation required by the entities responsible (stud books). In addition to these signs, marks on the body of the animal or white patches may occur in the lower abdomen and flanks. The spots on the body of the horse are more frequent than in the Clydesdale horses of other breeds.

Identification Signs:White hairs or abrasions caused by saddle friction produced by the girths are 'acquired signals as the marks made with' brand '(branding). As these brands with 'fire', the brands 'cold' result in a series of letters or figures of identification - made of white hair (or black on light horses). Monograms or symbols can be burned with fire in the hull.Swirls and tufts are used for identification, since the irregular hair growth is permanent.Chestnuts, calluses or small growths on the inner corneas of animal legs count as fingerprints. Individual and permanent, but not used for identification purposes.

Flower or StarCord or Big MailingBark or BetaFrontOpen   MaskBebe White

The fur on the legs - dubbed 'pavements' can be. 'Dash shoes', if white does not give back to the leg, 'white slip', it reaches only the bead 'tall hunt' when it arrives at the knee or bunion, 'medium footwear', reaching the middle of cinnamon; 'low shoes', we reach the fetlock; 'Fallohide' if the hull is white. When the animal is 'footwear', the front limbs, you say 'Manalvo' if's 'shoes' of the hindquarters, 'Pedralva'. Horizontal stripes (zebra markings), rings of black hair, are of early origin and had the purpose of camouflage.Can be seen in large breeds of antiquity, such as highland and fjord. The horses of the wall paintings of Lascaux in France have marks so, being remarkably similar to the highland.

Moth FootwearWhite BeadHigh shoesZebra

Hulls matter cornea blue slate are considered ideal. It is believed that the keratin which consist of dense texture and has great rigidity. In contrast, white hull is taken for 'soft', unable to resist friction and usury. There is no evidence that these assertions are true.White feet are attached legs 'sidewalks'. The spotted Appaloosas and other horses have hooves 'brindled' (with black vertical stripes).

Old BlueOld WhiteOld List

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