
27 Jan 2011

2011 Tosca Rugs Dressage League is Underway


The 2011 Tosca Rugs Dressage League is now underway, with the first event taking place last weekend at Norton Heath Equestrian Centre on Sunday 23rd January.
The current league standings have been published on our dressage league page, so be sure to take a look.
The Hooked on Horses Dressage League consists of two leagues; one at Prelim Level and one at Novice level, and we are thrilled that Tosca Rugs, local suppliers of Bucas Rugs, are kindly sponsoring the league for a second year. The qualifying classes are open to all riders; whether you are a junior or senior; riding a dressage school master or if it is your first time doing a dressage test!
Competitors placed in qualifying classes win points depending on their placing – from 6 points for a first place down to 1 point for sixth. These points accumulate throughout the year until the end of the league on 31st December 2011. In addition, Hooked on Horses gives a special commemorative green and gold rosette to the winner of every qualifying class.
The winners of each league will win some fantastic prizes from Bucas Rugs, as well as a Shield, and much more! An up to date version of the league tables is published every month is Hooked on Horses magazine.
Full results from the first league qualifier at Norton Heath EC can be found here:

Upcoming qualifying events in January include:
  • Longwood EC 29th January
  • Brook Farm TC 29th and 30th January
  • Finchingfield EC 30th January

Best of luck to everyone who takes part!
Please check our event calendar for upcoming qualifying classes, and at the beginning of each month we will post online to let you know where the qualifying classes will be taking place.
Venues and Shows taking part in the 2011 Tosca Rugs Dressage League include:

  • Brook Farm Training Centre
  • Finchingfield Equestrian Centre
  • Longwood Equestrian Centre
  • Norton Heath Equestrian Centre
  • Royal Wood Riding Club
  • Runningwell Equestrian Centre
  • Shopland Hall

If you would like your centre or show to hold qualifying classes please get in touch by emailing

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