
17 Jul 2011

Costs of Owning a Horse

Grab Your Wallet
The costs associated with owning a horse differ from place to place. However it’s important to consider all of the necessities, as the costs almost always add up to more than you expected.

General Breakdown

Here I hope to help you break down & understand the financial obligation you’ll be shouldering on a general level. There can, by no means, ever be a complete list, but here are the basic cost requirements for horse ownership.
Be sure to research the prices for these essentials in your area so you’ll know what to expect.
Horse Barn


This is easily one of the largest expenses involved in horse ownership, especially in urban environments.
Your animal needs a safe place to call home, and in today’s world that often means paying someone else to do it.
Straw Bedding


Many don’t consider the bedding expense when they calculate the cost of horses, but it’s essential.
Stalled horses need bedding both for the padding when laying down and for its waste absorption properties.
Hay Barn


Grazers by nature, horses eat a lot and proper nutrition is an essential element to their health.
Stick with organic, sustainable, chemical & GM-free food whenever possible. I will post about new sources.
Horse Tack


The list of equipment on your wish list will be never ending. Start with the essential basics.
This section can be a big expense depending upon your discipline. Check the web to find great used tack deals.
Farrier shaping horse shoe


Every 6-8 weeks horses need to see a farrier for a trim, whether they wear shoes or not.
A good farrier is hard to find be sure to get referrals from friends, your vet or a local stable.
Vet giving injection to horse

Vet Costs

You buy a horse, you get a vet. They will see you through accidents, illness & preventative care.
Use references to find a good one, be sweet to them & keep their number on speed dial in your cell.
Horses in Trailer


There are professional transport services, or you can opt for purchasing your own truck & trailer.
Those who compete or travel with their animal should study their options for the most cost-effective method.
Horse Insurance


Horses are a big investment and for that reason alone it is worth looking into insuring them.
The reality is, things happen. Planning ahead could result in a monthly premium saving you a fortune later on.
Riding Attire

Riding Attire

There are a few necessary & fairly universal items which make riding much easier & safer to do.
Always remember, whether you ride in your backyard, on the track or at your local stables, a helmet is a must.
Horse with trainer

Lessons & Training

Some stables & facilities expect their boarders to take lessons & this extra should be considered.
This can be a big expense, but learning to ride safely and teaching your horse good behavior is good practice
Horse and rider showing

Shows & Events

Really an enormous expense – but those who do it know this. Those who don’t should be aware.
For many horse owners this is an as-can-afford luxury because it involves show, transport and training expenses.

Toys, Treats, Magazines & Misc. Expenses

Although this category seems frivolous, any horse owner can tell you that it’s not.
They are not necessities, but they are fun – you like them and so do your horse. What’s wrong with that?

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