
17 Jul 2011

Horse Related Charities You Should Give Your Money To

Horse Charity
Let’s face it, donating to a worthy cause just makes you feel good. There are too many abused, neglected and starving animals out there and we, as humans are responsible for their welfare.

You Can Help

There are a wide variety of horse related charities out there to choose from, and we all want to know the money we donate will actually go to helping our equine friends.
Here is a helpful guide to help you decide where to open your wallet.
World Horse Welfare
World Horse Welfare screenshot
An all around horse angel, the World horse Welfare organization is based in the UK, however they are concerned with the welfare of horses on a global scale and they actively educate horse owners in lesser-developed nations about proper horse care
Donations to their establishment help to investigate allegations of abuse, preserve our wild horses, educate horse owners and fight for the humane treatment of horses everywhere.
Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation
Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation screenshot
Anyone who has spent time with a thoroughbred off the track knows that abuse and neglect runs rampant in the racing circuits. The Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation is designed to give ex-racehorses a second chance at life after their racing career is over.
There are several ways people can help, of course adopting a horse is the best way. But if you can’t afford to do that you can always sponsor a horse or simply donate money to go towards their operating expenses and horse care.
The Fund for Horses
The Fund for Horses screenshot
The Fund for Horses is a general horse charity with a strong focus on ending horse slaughter for human consumption. Like most equine rescue and charity organizations they need all the volunteers and donations they can get.
Donations go to lobbying for equine protection laws at both state and federal levels and working with government and law enforcement to ensure neglect and abuse laws are upheld.
Equine Research Foundation
Equine Research Foundation screenshot
This charity has a heavy emphasis on education and learning about the equine animal. The Equine Research Foundation wants to discover more about horses both physiologically and psychologically through intense research. Beyond just research, this program offers riding clinics and vacations to interested parties.
Every penny they collect goes back into their system to maintain their facilities, care for their animals and continue their research.
North American Riding for the Handicapped Assoc
North American Riding for the Handicapped Assoc screenshot
There is a slight twist to this one, the North American Riding for the Handicapped Assoc is a horse charity…that helps people. They have been bringing their special brand of joy and horse therapy to those with mental and physical disabilities in the US and Canada since 1969. Their programs have enriched the lives of over 38,000 people at almost 800 member centers.

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