Horse Breeds
Get all the information you need about horse breeds from around the world. Find out more about your horse's heritage, or learn which breed is perfect for you. We have detailed profiles on more than 85 breeds of horse, from the popular American Quarter Horse, Thoroughbredand Arabian horse to the exotic Friesian, Akhal-Teke and Gypsy Horse. Learn the fascinating history of these horse breeds and what equestrian sports they excel in today.
Horse Breed of the Month
Each month, we feature a new breed in the pages of Horse Illustrated and here on This month, we're celebrating the Shire. This noble breed of draft horse traces its origins to medieval England when knights needed a mount that could carry up to 400 pounds of heavy armor and battle gear. Later, the breed's ancestors were primarily work horses used for agricultural purposes. Today, this breed is popular for driving and showing and even as a riding horse.
Horse Breeds by Discipline
Which breed of horse is right for you? Narrowing your search based on your preferred riding discipline will help you find the horse of your dreams.
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