
19 Oct 2011

Sign the petition to increase Public Bridleways

Sign the petition to increase Public Bridleways

The government has set up a petition to increase Public Bridleways to equal Public Footpaths in England.
Right now, in England there are 91,000 miles worth of public footpath but only 20,000 miles worth of bridleway. To increase road safety, for in particular horse riders but also for cyclists and walkers, there has been an online petition set up. Currently there are around 1,050 signatures but to ensure this petition pays-off and that the government do something about our few bridleways  - the Essex Bridleways Association are urging everyone to follow this link, and sign it too!
So far the news about the petition has been kept quiet but Endurance GB have recently published information about it in their UK newsletter. This has helped spread the word and now a local registered charity, Essex Bridleways Association, are also helping to get riders equal rights to walkers/ramblers.
By increasing the amount of public Bridleways not only will it reduce road accidents and fatalities, it will benefit all ages/sex by promoting healthy outdoor activity and safe use of the countryside throughout England, but it will only happen with your help!
Remember click this link to sign the petition and pass on to all your equine friends.

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