
20 Feb 2012

Get inside the largest horse fair in the world - Equitana

Almost nothing in the streets of Essen, Germany, recalls that in the city a great meeting place of races. In late winter, with temperatures between three and eight degrees, everything happens in the inner area of ​​the buildings in a kind of Essen organization that shares with other cities in western Germany.

Along with Frankfurt, Hanover and Dusseldorf, Essen specializes in fairs and exhibitions. The city has an immense structure, with several decks and four inputs. Every day, about 30 to 40 thousand people visit the fair in which more than a thousand horses. The diversity of races and a variety of countries, Equitana (Monday is considered the largest equestrian world.

In each of the 17 pavilions of the exhibition park has a fence, a barn, where a racial profiling from 15 to 15 minutes. There is also a great arena for more elaborate views, where there are dozens of simultaneous presentations, for example, the English horse, used in fox hunting, the Tennessee walking, the walker of the United States, the handsome Andalusian, pure Spanish race; and representatives of German lines of today, whose ancestors participated in sports competitions in antiquity as the Roman chariot race, chariot drawn by four horses paired. The numerous and successive views are as special shows each of the 40 races that took part in Equitana in 2011.

Most visitors hitting the leg Friday to see what's new. One shelf is lined with grass, like a health food store.The seller explains that Julia AATS is one of the herbs for intestinal problems, respiratory problems to other serves and is indicated for other stomach problems. But none is to be human. They are all herbs to prepare tea for horses.
"Actually, it's a mixture. Several herbs, highlighting chamomile. You put the herb in a bowl, comes with hot water, wait a minute and then mixed on a diet. The horse is very sensitive and always react well to these treatments, "explains Julia.
In another bookcase shelves are natural essences, known as "Floral bach." Dyes that are an English doctor invented to aid in the treatment of negative emotions. Sandra Muller, who has a herd of 30 animals, took the whole collection of dyes designed to balance the bad feelings and also a pot of edible mushrooms called "calmmatrix." "The product has antioxidants, amino acids and vitamins, ingredients that act on the immune system. My clients have used successfully on horses intemperate. In two weeks, return to ride, happy, "says the inventor and manufacturer Christian Ehrenberg.

The vet Aluízio Marins Brazil, which has expertise in the United States and Europe, directs the university in Brazil and the horse does not lose a Equitana. "One of the things we see is the very absence of injectable drugs and the increase in natural products," he says. The trend is that the horse is treated as a partner, a companion, to whom they are offered snacks, cookies in colorful flavors of banana, blueberry, eucalyptus, vanilla and pineapple. Part of rations, properly, is very varied. Its race, by sport, by service, by age and even horse retired and no teeth.
The training section provides interesting alternatives for those who can not leave with the horse. The rodador exercise many animals at the same time at varying speeds. The treadmill was developed for the animal to gain muscle, gain strength and improve heart function. Some models have the option to be shielded compartment filled with water. On a treadmill with a pool, you can double the efficiency of effort.

Cleaning is a serious issue for those who keep the troops in the bay, as in most cases in Europe. The bed, the layer of straw, sawdust, or synthetic material that coats the ground, is extremely expensive. The handler Saskia Cózman have to remove the dirt in 30 stalls every day. "The movement of swinging the rake to separate horse manure overloads the muscles of the bed. After two hours doing this task, it gives a lot of pain in the arm. I had a serious injury at the elbow, "says Saskia.
The retired engineer Klaus Schwécker devised a machine for separating manure. It has a vibrating sieve dropping the precious bed. He says that the noise does not disturb the horse and that energy consumption is the same as a lamp. The equipment costs six thousand dollars.
And what is the difference between the public on the horse in Brazil and Europe? The question was put to the judge of evidence, Professor Paulo Roberto Ribeiro and veterinary and riding teacher Claudia Lechonski, two Brazilian experts who were visiting the Equitana. "People see the care of his horse as part of having a horse," says Claudia. "In Brazil we have a very different chain. We have the creator of horse, trainer, handler and the user. The chain in Europe has a huge number of users, "adds Brooks.
In Europe, users make a huge legion. Only the German equestrian federation has nearly two million registered riders. It is a vibrant market. The bill Equitana one billion dollars from the sale of clothes, medicines, food and junk riding.
Credits - Globo Rural Program (25/09/2011)

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