
24 Nov 2010

Borneo Pony, Bose Pony , Bosnian Pony , Boulonnais, Borneo Pony, Belgian Draft , Brandenburger, Brazilian Pony and Brazilian Sport Horse

Borneo Pony


The Borneo Pony is generally owned solely by the wealthier classes, and are used for draught work and saddle.


This breed is a pony breed found in Banjermasin and Sarawok, British Northern Borneo, and especially in the district of Ternpasak on the Northwest coast of Borneo. They were bred from stock which was introduced to the Sulu Archipeligo by Europeans & are still fairly common.


Average height barely 12 hands
Hardy & resistant


Head is lovely with a straight profile
Eyes are kind & ears are long
Neck is short & straight
Back is short & strong
Croup is rounded
Legs are hardy
Hooves are tiny & strong

Traditional Colors


Willing workers


Enhancing other bloodlines

Bose Pony


The Bose Pony is a domestic breed from the Bose and Hechi Prefecture-Guangxizhuang Autonomous Region of China. There were around 200,000 of this breed in the area in 1980!


Average height 11.1 – 11.2 hands


Head is dry, straight & slightly weighty
Profile is concave & jaw is wide
Ears are small & alert
Neck is moderately long and withers are moderate
Back is short & croup is rounded
Mane & tail are bushy but thin
Legs are short, strong with good joints
Hooves are firm

Traditional Colors

Predominately bay


Cart pony
Pack animal

Bosnian Pony

Bosnian Pony


Along with the Hucul and the Konik ponies, the Bosnian pony (also called Bosanski brdski konj) is called one of the Balkan breeds and all three share the same ancestors.
Bosnian Pony


This breed is thought to be close descendant of the Tarpan with Mongolian influence. By the 17th and 18th centuries many of the bloodlines had been diluted with the blood of eastern horses
Since 1900 the breeding has been selective in Yugoslavia and controlled by the government to preserve original qualities. The stallions are maintained by the state and the mares are privately owned.


Average height 12.3 – 14. hands
Small, compact and sturdy
Surefooted and hardy


Head is heavy with straight profile
Neck is short and muscular
Back is short and straight
Chest is deep and wide
Legs are strong, short and muscular with broad joints
Hoof is well-formed and hard

Traditional Colors

black | chestnut | grey | bay | dun | palomino


Docile and good-natured
Bosnian Pony


Farm animal
Riding horse


Boulonnais Horse


The Boulonnais is one of the most elegant of all of the draft breeds, known for their milky white coat and luxurious mane and tail, they have unmistakable characteristics. Their blood is often used to improve the stock of other draft breeds.
Boulonnais Horse


Found in the Boulogne District of France, this breed is thought to come from the animals imported by Julius Ceasar prior to invading Britain.
Later, during the Spanish occupation of the area a great deal of Asian, Barb,Arabian and Andalusian blood influenced their breeding.
During the World Wars their numbers shrank considerably and today the government controls the breeding programs to preserve the breed.
In the 18th century it was more common to find bay and black within the breed, however as numbers decline the dominant grey gene has made other colors rare.
Two Types
Larg Boulonnais (
Maree) – Very large
Fish Cart Horse (
Mareyeuse or Mareyeur)- very rare, smaller


Average height 15.1 – 16.3 hands
Registered animals will bear an anchor brand on the left side of their neck


Head is short and elegant with a wide forehead
Neck is thick and muscular
Mane is very thick
Chest is wide
back is straight
Legs are strong and solid with clean joints

Traditional Colors

Grey with an occasional chestnut


Easy going and sociable
Boulonnais Horse


Driving horse
Riding horse
Show horse


Belgian Draft

Belgian Draft Horse


The Belgian Draft is not only one of the strongest draft breeds, but this breed has also held the world record for the tallest and the largest horses in the world.
Belgian Draft Horse


Said to be the most direct descendants of the “Great Horse” of medieval times, the Belgian draft horse was the animal who carried knights onto the battlefield. Most draft breeds today carry Belgian lineage in their bloodlines.
Trough the years many of the purebred studs have been shown and exported to countries all over Europe to enhance draft bloodlines. The official studbook was established in 1885.
Until the beginning of the 20th century there were three types, although they varied little in confirmation.
The Big Horse of the Dendre
The Colossal Horse of Mehaigne
The Grey Horse of Nivelles
After WWII the need for draft horses declined on a global scale the the Belgian Draft numbers decreased.
Recently there has been a boom of interest in America for this heavy draft breed, although the American bloodlines differ considerably from the original stock. They are taller, more refined and are almost invariably chestnut with a flaxen mane and tail.


From 15.3 – 17.3 hands
Built solid for hard work
Exceptionally strong and hardworking


Head is light and square, profile is straight or slightly concave
Neck is short and muscular
Back is short and broad
Body is deep and short
Legs are strong, lean and sound with some feathering

Traditional Colors:

Chestnut (often displaying the Mealy / Pangare gene)
Roan | black | bay


Docile and willing
Belgian Draft Horse


Still used for agricultural work
Agriculture work
Show horse
Draft competitions
Pleasure horse
Wagon horses

Helpful Links

Where to Buy

Belgian Draft Studs



Brandenburger Horse


The Brandenburger is a sub-population of the German saddle horse and bred to be an all-around under saddle mount.
Brandenburger Horse


Breeding began in 1787 with the hopes of creating a warmblood that was heavy enough to work and light enough to pull carriages. The foundation started withOldenburg, English Halfbred, Asian horses and Thoroughbred bloodlines.
The Warmblood Breeding Society was created in 1922 in order to produce horses for farmers and agricultural work at which point Hanovarian blood was used to improve stock.


Average height 16 – 17.2 hands


Head is handsome and well-set
Back is medium in length and chest is deep
Legs are thick and stocky
Hooves are large and strong

Traditional Colors

All solid colors


Even-tempered for their large size
Brandenburger Horse


Riding horse
Show horse
Driving horse
Pleasure horse

Helpful Links

*All links open in a new window
Brandenburger History


Brazilian Pony


The Brazilian Pony is a small scale individual that was developed to stimulate interest in diverse sporting activities for children.


The breed was developed from the tough Scottish Ponies, the fine Falabella from Argentina, with influence from animals from Uruguay and Paraguay. For awhile cross-breeding with American ponies was tried, but the size of ponies from America were larger than was desired, so the breeding was discontinued.
Today Brazilian Ponies are popular as pets.


Average height 8.3 – 9.8 hands
Bred for perfect horse confirmation
Height at the hindquarters is not to exceed the height at the withers by more than .02 cm


Head is triangular with straight or slightly concave profile
Ears are small, mobile and directed upward
Eyes are remote & expressive
Neck is muscular, proportional & well-defined
Mane & tail are abundant & silky
Chest is deep, wide & muscular
Back is short & straight
Legs are medium in length & well-defined

Traditional Colors

Pintos and appaloosas are prized in this breed
Solid colors are allowed, but not as popular


Docile & calm


Cart horse
Riding pony

Brazilian Sport Horse

Brazilian Sport Horse


A newly developed breed in Brazil, the Brazilian Sport Horses (Brasileiro de Hipismo) are popular in the US and Europe and have successfully completed recent Olympic Games.


This breed was developed in 1970 specifically for competition, allowing Brazil to use the bloodlines of the Criollo horse combined with Anglo-Argentine and Trakehner breeds. The result is a sport horse with a solid work ethic and tireless ability.
Today horses of many different breeds influence the Brazilian Sport Horse and it takes traits from AndalusianThoroughbred, Trakehner, HanoverianHolsteiner,Oldenburger, Westphalian, Irish Hunter, Selle Francais, Anglo-Argentine andBelgian Warmbloods.


Average height over 16 hands
Lively with no real rebellion


Because of the number of breeds involved in creating this animal, their confirmation varies.

Traditional Colors

All solid colors | dun


Calm and brave
Noble, docile and balanced
Brazilian Sport Horse


Show Horse
Eventing horse


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