
5 Nov 2010

Equine Learning


Communication with the Man:It seems fair to say that man unconsciously communicates with the horse, which gives off the odor. People frightened and aggressive, emit odors that reveal his state of mind horse hypersensitive, making him apprehensive or aggressive.The saying 'A confident man is a confident horse reveals the hypersensitivity of the animal. The horses feel the mood of the rider and react with it. A horse can be mounted to realize, you are dealing with an experienced person or not, depending on the stimuli that sends and receives the horse through the receptor cells which has along its back, and all body. Man seeks to communicate to introduce yourself by touching or by tapping.The stroke is another form of communication with horses and build a relationship between the two. The act of treatment is an example, and when it mounts, many of the languages of cooperation are related to the touch. For example, the leg exerts little pressure receptor cells of the horse and communicate with your hands touch the mouth, through the bridle and bit. Some horses learn to attract men neighing loudly, if food is delayed.
Communication Between Horse:The horse is a herd animal and need to communicate with other members of the same.Of course it has no philosophical discussions. They just need to convey basic emotions and to establish a dominance hierarchy without resorting to violence. The domestic horse treat the man as an element of the herd, by using the same kind of body language to us.This body language can be manifested in several ways:- Content:
- Signs of Happiness - A happy horse does not care about others who are around you.- Impatience:
- Head Movements - The horses do not like being ignored, may require attention by giving a push with his nose.
- Hitting with hooves - A horse may become impatient when waiting for food or when it stuck.- Annoyance:- Indentations in the other horse - The bite just means' my position in the hierarchy allows me to bite you when I please. "- In the stables - If a horse wants to be left alone, turns his back to the other horses, does not want talks.Horses communicate vocally, whinnying for companionship or for excitement.

Habituation:Learning can also be effected by means of habituation, which consists in decreasing trends in response to stimuli that have become familiar, due to continuous exposure to them.Can be illustrated as follows:A horse and when exposed to a sudden noise startles, but if noise is repeated, two three times, the shock will gradually diminish until being ignored.The same is true when preparing a horse, during the process of thinning to be mounted.First it is warming by passing it to the guide, during which several are sudden movements, like raising his hand to shake off a fly, hit his foot on the ground etc ...The first time the presence of these movements the horse is startled, but after being repeated several times, we can recognize them as relatives.


The horses are usually afraid of water because they can not see the ground through it.This type of fear, involves a more delicate process of learning. The horse has to feel confident, and man in turn must show him that there is nothing wrong with a little puddle of water and there is no reason to be afraid.At first, the wet paws reacts immediately, speeding up the pace and can jump, being suspicious, but after much insistence of man and refusal by the horse, ultimately pass without fear.The habituation process has already ended.With regard to cognitive learning, a horse takes several elements of knowledge or cognition, which are organized for use.The man when a horse exercises, or when the passes will guide, or in other words, when subjected to a test of physical preparation, implements the voice, which combines the various gaits of the horse.Man - the Horse: Voice calm by Step
High Voice and Firm to Trot
Loudest voice and the steady canter
Whistling quietly to StepIt follows that the horse learns by doing, and not the other way>.
A Test of Communication:According to Paul Watzlawick, in 1904, the dream of establishing communication between man and horse, became real, the news spread.Hans was a horse with which Wilhelm von Osten established communication. He taught her arithmetic, telling time and recognizing people through photographs.Hans tapped his foot on the ground to communicate, Batia once for the A and so on.The horse was subjected to several experiments to verify that there were no tricks in communication, for always answer correctly to the problems that the owner put it, and passed all with flying colors.But it was later discovered that Stumpt the following:The horse always failed to solve the problem it was set was not known by any of the gifts. The horse also failed when you put blinders that prevented him from seeing people.It can be concluded that the horse over time have learned to solve problems and pay more attention to responding to changing posture of its owner. The reward was that the main motivation and attention of Hans.
Conclusions:The domestic horse has always been an important place in human life. When horses were domesticated, are likely to play two roles.The horses of forests, slower, probably were beasts of burden. The horses of the plains, faster than a means to travel faster.Nowadays, the horses are no longer used in battle, tractors replaced them in agriculture and the diesel engine is the main means of transport, but the horses continue to have a great esteem. Since they were domesticated humans to selectively reproduced in order to meet specific needs or concepts of beauty. There are now several different types of horses and a large number of specific breeds recognized internationally. As in the past, different types of work require different types of horses.

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