
16 Jul 2011

Horse Breeds Beginning With Z

Zweibrücker Horse
Country of Origin: Germany
Zweibrücker Horse


The Zweibrücker or Zweibrücken Horse are bred in state owned stud facilities in Zweibrücken, Germany and is one of the smaller state run facilities.


The stud was founded in the mid 18th century and populated with animals of noble bearing. These animals were carefully crossed and further improved upon until 1801 when the farm was moved. Interestingly enough Napoleon saw several Zweibrücken animals and was so impressed that he ensured the stud was re-established in 1806. Breeding stock came from local German farms as well as the influence of Spanish animals, Anglo-Normans, Thoroughbreds & Arabians.
During the first half of the 20th century a need arose for a heavier type for agriculture and military purposes. This demand changed breeding practices and introduced the blood of heavier warmbloods like the Oldenburger. As with many studs the late 20th century moved away from heavy draft types and towards more refined sport horses. Trakehner stallions replaced the draft breeds and laterHanoverian & Holsteiner stock was used.


Average height 16 – 17 hands


Head is noble & expressive
Neck is medium in length and high set
Back is long and muscular
Shoulder is long & sloping
Legs are dry with large joints
Hooves are well proportioned & hard

Traditional Colors

chestnut | grey | bay | black | pinto | cream dilutions


Intelligent & amiable


Riding horse
Show horse

Helpful Links

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Stud Zweibrücken


Zaniskari Pony

Country of Origin: India
Zaniskari Pony


The Zaniskari Pony comes from in the Ladakh region of Jammu & Kashmir State in northern India. Unfortunately there have been no official breeding practices in place, so interbreeding with local animals has caused pureblooded animals to be rare.

Zaniskari Pony


Average height 13 – 14 hands


Head has broad forehead
Back is strong
Body is compact

Traditional Colors


Spirited & alert
Zaniskari Pony


Riding horse
Pack animal
Zeeland Horse
Country of Origin: Netherlands
Zeeland horses are an old Dutch Breed that was influential in the development of theBelgian & Dutch draft animals. I couldn’t find anything else about this breed, so I hope anyone who knows about them will speak up!

Zhumd Horse

Country of Origin: Lithuania
Zhumd Horse


The Zamituka, Zemaituka, Zemaichu, Zhmudk or Zhmud horse comes from Lithuania and they are a forest type that is part of the Konik family.

Zhumd Horse


These animals have been bred in the area since the 16th century and used by local people for farming & transportation. Throughout the years they have been influenced by various other exotic types and more recently in the 19th century Arabian stock was added. By the start of the 20th century there were two distinct types within the breed, one lighter and more refined (though fewer in numbers) and a heavier animal without the Arabian refinement.


Average height 13.2 – 14.3 hands


Head is handsome with a straight or somewhat dished profile
Neck is well developed & muscular
Back is flat & solid
Legs are clean

Traditional Colors

black | bay | dun


Riding pony
Light draft
Show pony
Improving other breeds


Zangersheide Horse

Country of Origin: Belgium
Zangersheide Horse


The Zangersheide comes from the studfarm in Zangersheide, Belgium and was established in the early 1970′s to breed quality showjumping horses. By 1992 a studbook was created specifically for animals with natural jumping ability.

Being relatively recent, this breed was developed using the latest scientific skill and selective breeding.


Average height 16 – 17 hands

Traditional Colors

chestnut | grey | bay | black


Intelligent & bold
Friendly & calm
Zangersheide Horse
Image from Lightmash


Show horse
Eventing horse

Helpful Links

* all links open in a new window
Zangersheide Stud
Zangersheide Interview

Where to Buy


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