
22 Aug 2011


A woman from Surrey has been banned from keeping equines after two of her horses were found in a poor condition, as reported to a World Horse Welfare Field Officer. 
Yvette Tilly, 39, of William Russell Court, St Johns, Woking pleaded guilty this week (Monday 15th August) at Guildford Magistrates Court to two offences under the Animal Welfare Act 2006 for causing unnecessary suffering to ‘Kev,’ a 25 year old 17.2hh chestnut gelding and ‘Benson’, a 15.0hh 17 year old black gelding.
Tilly received a five-year ban from keeping equines, was ordered to carry out 100 hours of unpaid work relating to each horse to run concurrently, and to pay £500 in costs.
The court heard how World Horse Welfare Field Officer Ted Barnes received a call from a concerned member of the public on Thursday 31 March this year about the poor condition of the horses at a location off Murrys Lane, West Byfleet, Surrey.
Accompanied by RSPCA Inspectors Michelle Hare and Liz Wheeler, Ted visited the site on the same day where they found ‘Kev’ with a heavy lice infestation and was very thin, and ‘Benson’ who was thin and also suffering with a lice infestation.
 Ted Barnes said “Mrs Tilly has learnt her lesson.  Although she showed that she was very remorseful in court, it is good news that she will not keep equines or work in the equine industry for some time.”
Kev and Benson were signed over to World Horse Welfare and they are currently being rehabilitated at our Hall Farm Rescue and Rehoming Centre in Snetterton, Norfolk.
Crown Corner

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