
17 Jul 2011

Horse & Equine Organizations

Horse & Equine Organizations
There is literally an endless supply of different horse & equine organizations out there. Sorting & listing them is an enormous task and one I’m really glad others have already accomplished. I see no sense in reinventing the wheel.

Listing Lists

At the risk of sounding redundant, this is a list of horse organization lists – there are so many out there already that everyone should be able to find what they are looking for. I think I’ve covered all of the basics and I expect that this list will continue to grow over time. Be sure to leave your own list or a any great ones you know of in the comments!



Regional & Local

Equine Welfare

Equisearch Equine Welfare Organizations
Equine Welfare Alliance Welfare Associations
Horse Welfare Horse Welfare Organizations
North American Equine Equine Welfare Organizations

Niche & Discipline Specific

General Association & Organization Lists

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